Agricultural Importance of Microbes

Importance of Microbes in Agriculture

Introduction Microbes are small living organisms that are not visible to the naked eye, also known as microorganisms. They are only visible with the help of a microscope. They are abundant in number and are present almost everywhere on the Planet Earth. There are different types of microbes including bacteria, viruses, fungi, archaea, and protists. … Read more


IBS and IBD Abdominal discomfort and alterations in bowel habits are the hallmarks of functional bowel disorders (IBS), where low-grade intestinal inflammation is partly caused by modifications in the normal gut flora. The pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is linked to intestinal microbial dysbiosis, which promotes pathogenic microorganism adherence to the intestinal wall. IBS … Read more

6 Factors Affecting Microbial Bioremediation

Factors Affecting Microbial Bioremediation

There are different factors which affect the ability of microorganisms to bioremediate heavy metals such as total metal ion concentration, soil structure, moisture content, temprature, pH, solubility of heavy metals in water any many more. Some of the factors affecting microbial bioremediation are discussed below. Factors affecting microbial bioremediation 1: pH Different microbes prefer different … Read more

Importance of Microbes

Importance of microbes

Introduction Microbes are small living organisms which are not visible by naked eye. They are present everywhere, from soil present beneath our foots to the depth of oceans. They have multiple roles that are crucial for proper functioning of ecosystem and well being of all forms of life. They are invisible heroes of our planet … Read more